About Us
With our fleet of delivery vans, an ever-growing office team, and an army of craft bakers – We deliver to food services, delis, farm shops, cafes, restaurants and many more outlets and venues across the UK with our portfolio of over 100 desserts - including luxury cheesecakes, pastries, cakes, gateaux, puddings and crumbles, tray bakes and not forgetting the Yorkshire Scoundrel.

Our Story
We can’t bake great cakes without looking after our environment. Reducing our carbon footprint and working towards a greener planet is fundamental within our operations. We are committed to manufacturing delicious, handcrafted desserts in a way that is environmentally sustainable.
Purpose & Values
Our vision and ethos of bringing quality handcrafted desserts for all to enjoy, guides, motivates, and is reflected within the desserts we produce. It is our purpose to put into practice traditional baking methods to create a wide range of high-quality handmade desserts whilst sourcing the best ingredients and applying attention to detail.